Singapore Maritime Foundation and International Group of P&I Clubs Cooperate to Promote Marine Liability Education and Training to Singapore Talent Pool
April 22, 2024
Memorandum of Understanding leverages on the unique strengths of each organisation to raise the knowledge of key marine liability topics to youths and young professionals
Singapore, 22 April 2024 —The Singapore Maritime Foundation (SMF) and the International Group of P&I Clubs (IGP&I) on 17 April 2024 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to cooperate in the promotion of education and training of marine liability to the Singapore talent pool.
Signed during Singapore Maritime Week 2024, the MOU provides a framework to leverage on the unique strengths and value propositions of each respective organisation for the shared goal of providing high-quality maritime education and the development of talent for the maritime industry.
As part of the cooperation, SMF and IGP&I will work together to design and deliver professional development courses on topics related to marine liability such as introduction to protection & indemnity (P&I) insurance, limitation regimes, claims case studies, safety at sea, liability and compensation, and more.
“A key mission of the Singapore Maritime Foundation is to build a maritime-ready talent pool, and we are glad that the International Group of P&I Clubs resonates with and supports our work. This MOU paves the way for both SMF and IGP&I to leverage on each other’s strengths to promote the maritime sector, raise the knowledge of P&I insurance, and build a maritime-ready workforce,” said Ms. Tan Beng Tee, Executive Director, Singapore Maritime Foundation.
Nick Shaw, Chief Executive Officer of the International Group of P&I Clubs added, “The International Group of P&I Clubs is committed to supporting quality training and development globally within the maritime liability field. We look forward to collaborating with the Singapore Maritime Foundation on the provision of maritime-focused professional education to develop talent in the maritime industry in Singapore and to offer professional development opportunities to the Singapore maritime workforce. Ten out of the 12 International Group Clubs have offices in Singapore reflecting Singapore’s importance as a leading maritime services centre.”

About the Singapore Maritime Foundation (SMF)
Established in 2004, the Singapore Maritime Foundation is a conduit between the public and private sectors to accomplish the twin mission of developing and promoting Singapore as an International Maritime Centre (IMC); and to attract, engage and grow a talent pipeline to position Maritime Singapore for continued growth. For details, visit
About the International Group of P&I Clubs (IGP&I)
The International Group of P&l Clubs (the “Group”) comprises 12 not-for-profit mutual insurance associations which individually insure third-party liabilities relating to the use and operation of ships. The Group Clubs between them insure nearly 90% of world ocean-going tonnage. There is more information about the Group, and explanatory videos on the strategy and functions of the Clubs and the Group, on the Group website which can be accessed via the following link:
Media Contacts
David Lee
+65 9119 8044
Joshua Ong
+65 9011 6304
Sophia Boutalbi
+65 9011 6304