Who We Are

Established in 2004, the Singapore Maritime Foundation (SMF) fosters public-and-private sector collaboration, promotes Singapore as an International Maritime Centre (IMC), and nurtures a talent pipeline to position Maritime Singapore for continued growth.

Our Operating Framework

Undergirding SMF’s initiatives are the strategic pillars of Connectivity, Innovation and Talent. These pillars are aligned with the objectives outlined in the International Maritime Centre (IMC) 2030 Report


  • Connecting Maritime Singapore to the world and the world to Maritime Singapore
  • Connecting the public and private sectors
  • Connecting Singapore’s maritime ecosystem
  • Innovation

    Support and showcase innovations in Maritime Singapore


    Attract, Engage and Grow talent to support the growth of Maritime Singapore


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    Singapore being represented for the first time at Posidonia.


    First Singapore delegation led by SMF and the Association of Singapore Marine Industries (ASMI) to Posidonia, one of the world’s leading international maritime exhibitions, held in Greece.

    Singapore delegation at Nor-Shipping.


    SMF and ASMI brought the Singapore delegation to Nor-Shipping for the first time, and hosted the Singapore Nite@Nor-Shipping, bringing the Singapore maritime community, their Norwegian and international counterparts together in a reception.


    “Making Waves” was the first collaborative effort between SMF and Channel NewsAsia to profile notable personalities in the Singapore maritime industry.

    Distinguished guests at the launch of Sea Asia 2007.


    SMF and our maritime partners collaborated with MediaCorp Channel 8 to produce our first-ever drama serial called “The Peak”. The serial gave the public a glimpse into the everyday lives of maritime professionals and the challenges they faced at work.


    SMF and Seatrade launched Sea Asia, a three day biennial maritime exhibition and conference event for the industry to interact, explore business opportunities and hear latest insights into new products and services.

    MaritimeONE team being honoured with the Minister's Innovation Award.


    Commissioned by SMF, the four-part documentary series, “Sea of Opportunities” took centre stage on Channel NewsAsia. The programme was telecast to an international audience and 21 Asian nations through Channel NewsAsia’s network.


    The MaritimeONE initiative was selected as one of 13 winning projects for the Minister’s Innovation Award, conferred by the Ministry of Transport. MaritimeONE was awarded the Merit award in recognition of its contributions to the growth of the maritime industry.

    Guests at the launch of the Young Executives and Students (YES) Club.


    SMF assumed the role of the secretariat for the MaritimeONE initiative.


    The Young Executives and Students (YES) Club, which provides a platform for young maritime professionals to stay connected to the maritime community and the alumni network, was launched.


    The Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration (SCMA) was reconstituted into a separate entity from the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC).

    Participants at Labrador Park, as part of the inaugural YES Club Year End Gathering.


    Five outstanding video productions selected from 105 submissions from first-year Singapore Polytechnic students were featured on STOMP’s website as part of SMF’s online marketing campaign, “The MaritimeONE Video Challenge – People’s Choice”.


    The first YES Club team bonding was held at Labrador Park.

    Guests at the SMF New Year Cocktail Reception.


    The Singapore Ship Sale Form (SSF) was launched at the SMF New Year Cocktail Reception as a viable alternative ship sale form to meet the changing regulations and practices in the sale and purchase of second-hand vessels.


    The inaugural Strategic HR & PR Networking Session was held.

    Panelists at a BIMCO event.


    Singapore was included in the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) Standard Dispute Resolution Clause, and in all new and revised BIMCO documents, as one of three default arbitration seats, alongside London and New York.

    Discussions following the maritime skit (The Project) commissioned by SMF for students.


    SMF commissioned a Singapore-based theatre company to create and produce a maritime skit titled “The Project”. The theatre company travelled to 38 secondary schools and reached out to over 28,500 students.


    MaritimeONE organised its first Maritime Campus at Victoria Junior College. The Maritime Campus has since become an annual affair in junior college campuses across Singapore.

    Panelists at the inaugural Singapore Maritime Dialogue.


    The inaugural Singapore Maritime Dialogue was held with Junior College and Polytechnic students who were invited to participate in a maritime-centric discussion with a panel comprising Guest-of-Honour Mrs. Josephine Teo, the then Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Transport, and a senior representative from each of the four MaritimeONE partners.

    Students on Pulau Hantu, Singapore as part of the Maritime Experiential Programme (MEP).


    The Maritime Experiential Programme (MEP) was launched and offered secondary school students greater interaction with the maritime industry through tours of maritime-related locations including the ports and shipyards.


    The Singapore Maritime Ambassadors Programme (SG-MAP) was launched at the second Singapore Maritime Dialogue by Guest-of-Honour Mrs. Josephine Teo, the then Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Transport.

    Attendees at the inaugural MSC Maritime Insights Forum.


    The Maritime Singapore Connect (MSC) Office was formed as a SkillsFuture initiative by SMF and MPA to address manpower and talent needs.


    The inaugural session of the Maritime Touch Programme (MTP) was held.


    The OSV@Vivo Open house was held as part of Singapore Maritime Week at VivoCity’s Waterfront Promenade.

    Participants at the Sea Asia Youth Lego Competition (Panama Canal Edition).


    The MaritimeONE initiative marked its tenth year anniversary during the annual SSA gala dinner.


    The Sea Asia Youth Tour included a first ever Sea Asia Youth Lego Competition (Panama Canal Edition) which aimed to provide students pursuing a maritime-related education greater insight into the industry in a fun and interactive way.

    Students at the Careers at Sea & Beyond Forum and Exhibition.


    The Sea Transport Industry Transformation Map was launched by Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Health, Dr. Lam Pin Min, at the annual SMF New Year Cocktail Reception.


    The MSC Office partnered the Ministry of Education and SkillsFuture Singapore for WorldSkills Singapore, a three-day event comprising talks, workshops and exhibitions, which was targeted at over 20,000 Secondary Two and Three students.

    MSC Maritime Summit Case Challenge

    January – April

    The MSC Office hosted the inaugural MSC Maritime Case Summit Challenge, which drew over 100 participants across five universities, of whom 75% were non-maritime students. The event marked the first time that three maritime companies – APL, Jurong Port and Shell, came together as part of the industry’s efforts to attract young talent.


    A total of 43 MaritimeONE scholars were awarded at the MaritimeONE Scholarship Awards Ceremony - the highest number of MaritimeONE scholars awarded since the programme's inception.

    Inaugural meeting of International Advisory Panel on Maritime Decarbonisation


    The International Advisory Panel on Maritime Decarbonisation (IAP) was established by SMF with the support of MPA. Maritime Singapore is committed to sustainable international shipping and reaching the target of at least 50% reduction of annual greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from international shipping as set out by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). The IAP sought to develop a strategy to support these decarbonisation goals and is chaired by Mr Andreas Sohmen-Pao, Chairman of the Singapore Maritime Foundation, and co-chaired by Mr Wong Weng Sun, Chairman of the Board and Governing Council of the Singapore Maritime Institute.

    The session was joined by Senior Minister of State for Transport and Health Dr Lam Pin Min, and IMO Secretary-General Mr Kitack Lim.

    International Advisory Panel on Maritime Decarbonisation

    April - International Advisory Panel on Maritime Decarbonisation

    In 2021, the IAP submitted its recommendations for decarbonisation in the maritime industry to the Singapore Government. In the proposal, four strategic goals and nine pathways to maritime decarbonisation were identified. This includes policy options to accelerate the transition and other methods that Maritime Singapore can adopt to support the industry’s decarbonisation.

    The IAP Committee comprises of 28 leaders from maritime and related organisations such as shipping associations, shipping companies, port operators, energy companies, engine makers, shipyards, insurance, finance players and academia.

    April - SMF signs MOU with Advisory Singapore (CLG) Ltd

    SMF inked a memorandum of understanding with Advisory Singapore (CLG) Ltd in 2021. Advisory Singapore is a youth-led organisation, and the collaboration aims to support youth development in Singapore and encourage youths to enter maritime.

    Together, Advisory and SMF will design careers-related programmes and profile maritime professionals to shed light on this vibrant industry.

    August - Inaugural Maritime Digital Challenge

    The MSC Maritime Digital Challenge was launched to provide university and polytechnic students with the opportunity to tackle technological-based problems.

    Crafted together with Eastport Maritime, Kanda and Torvald Klaveness, the challenges allowed students to put their skills to the test under the mentorship of leading maritime professionals.

    September - New Record of 60 MaritimeONE and Tripartite Maritime Scholarships Awarded

    Maritime Singapore achieves a new record of 60 scholarship awardees undertaking maritime and non-maritime related studies such as Computer Science, Data Science and Analytics, and Business Analytics.

    Totalling more than $2.1 million, the scholarships are essential in developing a strong pipeline of maritime talent.

    2004 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
    var slideIndex = 1; showSlides(slideIndex); function plusSlides(n) { showSlides(slideIndex += n); } function currentSlide(n) { showSlides(slideIndex = n); } function showSlides(n) { var i; var slides = document.getElementsByClassName("mySlides"); var dots = document.getElementsByClassName("dot"); if (n > slides.length) {slideIndex = 1} if (n < 1) {slideIndex = slides.length} for (i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { slides[i].style.display = "none"; } for (i = 0; i < dots.length; i++) { dots[i].className = dots[i].className.replace(" active", ""); } slides[slideIndex-1].style.display = "block"; dots[slideIndex-1].className += " active"; }


    Singapore being represented for the first time at Posidonia.


    First Singapore delegation led by SMF and the Association of Singapore Marine Industries (ASMI) to Posidonia, one of the world’s leading international maritime exhibitions, held in Greece.


    Singapore delegation at Nor-Shipping.


    SMF and ASMI brought the Singapore delegation to Nor-Shipping for the first time, and hosted the Singapore Nite@Nor-Shipping, bringing the Singapore maritime community, their Norwegian and international counterparts together in a reception.


    “Making Waves” was the first collaborative effort between SMF and Channel NewsAsia to profile notable personalities in the Singapore maritime industry.


    Distinguished guests at the launch of Sea Asia 2007.


    SMF and our maritime partners collaborated with MediaCorp Channel 8 to produce our first-ever drama serial called “The Peak”. The serial gave the public a glimpse into the everyday lives of maritime professionals and the challenges they faced at work.


    SMF and Seatrade launched Sea Asia, a three day biennial maritime exhibition and conference event for the industry to interact, explore business opportunities and hear latest insights into new products and services.


    MaritimeONE team being honoured with the Minister’s Innovation Award.


    Commissioned by SMF, the four-part documentary series, “Sea of Opportunities” took centre stage on Channel NewsAsia. The programme was telecast to an international audience and 21 Asian nations through Channel NewsAsia’s network.


    The MaritimeONE initiative was selected as one of 13 winning projects for the Minister’s Innovation Award, conferred by the Ministry of Transport. MaritimeONE was awarded the Merit award in recognition of its contributions to the growth of the maritime industry.


    Guests at the launch of the Young Executives and Students (YES) Club.


    SMF assumed the role of the secretariat for the MaritimeONE initiative.


    The Young Executives and Students (YES) Club, which provides a platform for young maritime professionals to stay connected to the maritime community and the alumni network, was launched.


    The Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration (SCMA) was reconstituted into a separate entity from the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC).


    Participants at Labrador Park, as part of the inaugural YES Club Year End Gathering.


    Five outstanding video productions selected from 105 submissions from first-year Singapore Polytechnic students were featured on STOMP’s website as part of SMF’s online marketing campaign, “The MaritimeONE Video Challenge – People’s Choice”.


    The first YES Club team bonding was held at Labrador Park.


    Guests at the SMF New Year Cocktail Reception.


    The Singapore Ship Sale Form (SSF) was launched at the SMF New Year Cocktail Reception as a viable alternative ship sale form to meet the changing regulations and practices in the sale and purchase of second-hand vessels.


    The inaugural Strategic HR & PR Networking Session was held.


    Panelists at a BIMCO event.


    Singapore was included in the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) Standard Dispute Resolution Clause, and in all new and revised BIMCO documents, as one of three default arbitration seats, alongside London and New York.


    Discussions following the maritime skit (The Project) commissioned by SMF for students.


    SMF commissioned a Singapore-based theatre company to create and produce a maritime skit titled “The Project”. The theatre company travelled to 38 secondary schools and reached out to over 28,500 students.


    MaritimeONE organised its first Maritime Campus at Victoria Junior College. The Maritime Campus has since become an annual affair in junior college campuses across Singapore.


    Panelists at the inaugural Singapore Maritime Dialogue.


    The inaugural Singapore Maritime Dialogue was held with Junior College and Polytechnic students who were invited to participate in a maritime-centric discussion with a panel comprising Guest-of-Honour Mrs. Josephine Teo, the then Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Transport, and a senior representative from each of the four MaritimeONE partners.


    Students on Pulau Hantu, Singapore as part of the Maritime Experiential Programme (MEP).


    The Maritime Experiential Programme (MEP) was launched and offered secondary school students greater interaction with the maritime industry through tours of maritime-related locations including the ports and shipyards.


    The Singapore Maritime Ambassadors Programme (SG-MAP) was launched at the second Singapore Maritime Dialogue by Guest-of-Honour Mrs. Josephine Teo, the then Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Transport.


    Attendees at the inaugural MSC Maritime Insights Forum.


    The Maritime Singapore Connect (MSC) Office was formed as a SkillsFuture initiative by SMF and MPA to address manpower and talent needs.


    The inaugural session of the Maritime Touch Programme (MTP) was held.


    The OSV@Vivo Open house was held as part of Singapore Maritime Week at VivoCity’s Waterfront Promenade.


    Participants at the Sea Asia Youth Lego Competition (Panama Canal Edition).


    The MaritimeONE initiative marked its tenth year anniversary during the annual SSA gala dinner.


    The Sea Asia Youth Tour included a first ever Sea Asia Youth Lego Competition (Panama Canal Edition) which aimed to provide students pursuing a maritime-related education greater insight into the industry in a fun and interactive way.


    Students at the Careers at Sea & Beyond Forum and Exhibition.


    The Sea Transport Industry Transformation Map was launched by Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Health, Dr. Lam Pin Min, at the annual SMF New Year Cocktail Reception.


    The MSC Office partnered the Ministry of Education and SkillsFuture Singapore for WorldSkills Singapore, a three-day event comprising talks, workshops and exhibitions, which was targeted at over 20,000 Secondary Two and Three students.


    MSC Maritime Summit Case Challenge

    January – April

    The MSC Office hosted the inaugural MSC Maritime Case Summit Challenge, which drew over 100 participants across five universities, of whom 75% were non-maritime students. The event marked the first time that three maritime companies – APL, Jurong Port and Shell, came together as part of the industry’s efforts to attract young talent.


    A total of 43 MaritimeONE scholars were awarded at the MaritimeONE Scholarship Awards Ceremony – the highest number of MaritimeONE scholars awarded since the programme’s inception.


    Inaugural meeting of International Advisory Panel on Maritime Decarbonisation


    The International Advisory Panel on Maritime Decarbonisation (IAP) was established by SMF with the support of MPA. Maritime Singapore is committed to sustainable international shipping and reaching the target of at least 50% reduction of annual greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from international shipping as set out by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
    The IAP sought to develop a strategy to support these decarbonisation goals and is chaired by Mr Andreas Sohmen-Pao, Chairman of the Singapore Maritime Foundation, and co-chaired by Mr Wong Weng Sun, Chairman of the Board and Governing Council of the Singapore Maritime Institute.

    The session was joined by Senior Minister of State for Transport and Health Dr Lam Pin Min, and IMO Secretary-General Mr Kitack Lim.


    International Advisory Panel on Maritime Decarbonisation

    April – International Advisory Panel on Maritime Decarbonisation

    In 2021, the IAP submitted its recommendations for decarbonisation in the maritime industry to the Singapore Government. In the proposal, four strategic goals and nine pathways to maritime decarbonisation were identified. This includes policy options to accelerate the transition and other methods that Maritime Singapore can adopt to support the industry’s decarbonisation.

    The IAP Committee comprises of 28 leaders from maritime and related organisations such as shipping associations, shipping companies, port operators, energy companies, engine makers, shipyards, insurance, finance players and academia.

    April – SMF signs MOU with Advisory Singapore (CLG) Ltd

    SMF inked a memorandum of understanding with Advisory Singapore (CLG) Ltd in 2021. Advisory Singapore is a youth-led organisation, and the collaboration aims to support youth development in Singapore and encourage youths to enter maritime.

    Together, Advisory and SMF will design careers-related programmes and profile maritime professionals to shed light on this vibrant industry.

    August – Inaugural Maritime Digital Challenge

    The MSC Maritime Digital Challenge was launched to provide university and polytechnic students with the opportunity to tackle technological-based problems.

    Crafted together with Eastport Maritime, Kanda and Torvald Klaveness, the challenges allowed students to put their skills to the test under the mentorship of leading maritime professionals.

    September – New Record of 60 MaritimeONE and Tripartite Maritime Scholarships Awarded

    Maritime Singapore achieves a new record of 60 scholarship awardees undertaking maritime and non-maritime related studies such as Computer Science, Data Science and Analytics, and Business Analytics.

    Totalling more than $2.1 million, the scholarships are essential in developing a strong pipeline of maritime talent.

    Inaugural MSC Maritime Digital Challenge Grand Finals Prize Presentation

    Over 129 tertiary students across 35 teams took part in the inaugural MSC Maritime Digital Challenge that seeks to plug Singapore students with a passion for technology into the maritime industry.
    Students from the Singapore Management University and Nanyang Polytechnic were announced as winners of the challenges posed by Eastport Maritime, Kanda and Torvald Klaveness at the Prize Presentation held on 13 November 2021.

    MSC Maritime Digital Challenge 2021

    Three challenge statements, 35 teams, 129 students and 12 finalist teams from 4 universities & 3 polytechnics. Catch behind-the-scene highlights of the MSC Maritime Digital Challenge 2021.

    Singapore Maritime Foundation | MSC Maritime Digital Challenge 2021

    Catch highlights of the MSC Maritime Digital Challenge 2021. We thank Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Transport Mr. Chee Hong Tat for being our Guest-of-Honour at the event.

    SMF New Year Conversations 2022: Year-in-Perspective Video

    The past two years of learning to live with Covid-19 has been challenging, but Maritime Singapore has remained resilient. What are the fundamental tenets that attract companies to anchor their business in Singapore and grow their operations here? And what more can be done to leverage on Singapore’s strengths to enhance its attractiveness as a global business hub for maritime companies? How will the Singapore Maritime Foundation organize its work around Connectivity, Innovation and Talent to strengthen the maritime ecosystem? Find out in this Year-in-Perspective video.

    SMF New Year Conversations 2022: Opportunities Amid Disruptions

    The 2022 SMF New Year Conversations that took place on 13 January 2022 was graced by Guest-of-Honour Mr S Iswaran, Minister for Transport & Minister-in-charge of Trade Relations. Over 250 industry leaders across the breadth of maritime attended physically and virtually.
    Singapore was announced to have secured the overall top spot as an international maritime centre for the fifth consecutive time in the DNV-Menon Leading Maritime Cities 2022 report.
    Thank you to our industry partners for your strong support.

    Mr. Lars Kastrup


    Mr. Lars Kastrup is the Chief Executive Officer of Pacific International Lines (Pte) Ltd (PIL).

    Prior to joining PIL, Mr. Kastrup was CEO of NOL/APL, and subsequently assumed the role of Executive Vice President, Strategy and M&A at CMA CGM Group. A veteran in the global shipping industry with over 30 years of experience, Mr Kastrup’s other roles include Executive Vice President of Assets at CMA CGM Group heading up CMA Terminals, CMA Ships, Container Logistics as well as regional carriers such as MacAndrews, OPDR and Mercosul; as well as Vice President at AP Moller-Maersk.
    Mr. Kastrup complemented his tertiary education with leadership and management training at Penn State University and The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

    Ms. Angeline Teo


    Ms. Angeline Teo is the Managing Director and Head of Global Transportation and Offshore, Global Corporate Banking at OCBC Bank which focuses on the maritime, aviation, land & port ecosystems.
    Ms. Teo has spent over three decades in maritime finance. Prior to OCBC, Ms. Teo was working at ING Bank, ABN Amro and DnB in Singapore focusing on maritime and offshore.
    Ms. Teo graduated from the National University of Singapore with a degree in Business Administration.

    Mr. John Martin


    Mr. John Martin began his career in London in 1989 with Richards Hogg Lindley Average Adjusters, and qualified as a Fellow of the UK Association of Average Adjusters in 2000.
    At RHL he worked in their offices in Australia, Taiwan and Hong Kong. In 2003 he joined Gard Hong Kong, as a claims handler. Mr. Martin also worked in Gard Japan, and in 2014 he moved to Singapore to set up the Gard Singapore office.
    Besides running Gard Singapore, Mr. Martin also heads the P&I and H&M claims units and is the Senior Claims Representative for Gard in Asia.

    Mr. Cyril Ducau


    Mr. Cyril Ducau is the Chief Executive Officer of Eastern Pacific Shipping Pte Ltd, a leading shipping company headquartered in Singapore for the past 30 years.

    He is also currently the Chairman of Kenon Holdings Ltd and a member of the board of directors of Gard P&I (Bermuda) Ltd. and of the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation Limited, which was established by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. He was previously Head of Business Development of Quantum Pacific Advisory Limited in London from 2008 to 2012 and acted as Director and Chairman of Pacific Drilling SA between 2011 and 2018.
    Prior to joining Quantum Pacific Advisory Limited, Mr. Ducau was Vice President in the Investment Banking Division of Morgan Stanley & Co. International Ltd. in London between 2000 and 2008.
    Mr. Ducau graduated from ESCP Europe Business School (Paris, Oxford, Berlin) and holds a Master of Science in business administration and a Diplom Kaufmann.