Metocean is a discipline covering meteorology and physical oceanography, and is concerned with quantifying the impact and effect of weather and sea conditions (such as winds, waves, currents and water levels) on a wide range of activities in the offshore oil & gas and renewables. These include seismic and geotechnical surveys, drilling campaigns, new project developments, tow-out and installation of structures, operations and maintenance, and field abandonment.
Course Highlights
This is an essential course, which provided a greater understanding of Metocean and illustrated how optimum usage and application of Metocean information could benefit organisations particularly with respect to:
Improved safety
Better decision-making and planning
Reduced costs
Course Learning
The course format included a mixture of short presentations presented by expert speakers in this field and interactive workshop sessions including a group case study exercise. Delegates received a comprehensive course manual on attendance, which included:
Understanding why Metocean is important to the offshore oil & gas and renewables industries
Finding out about the Metocean process and how it fits in with other offshore activities
Exploring the key Metocean services and products
Learning about the key Metocean parameters, such as significant wave height, and how Metocean data is collected/obtained and archived
Gaining an understanding of how weather forecasts are produced
Seeing how Metocean conditions vary around the world
Appreciating the implications of climate variability and data trends
Learning how Metocean data is analysed to derive operational statistics such as weather downtime, and design criteria such as 100-year conditions
Becoming capable of engaging internal and external stakeholders about Metocean matters
Participating in exercises and group case studies
Finding out where Metocean information, advice and support can be obtained